Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nana-Bee's Foundation's mission?

Our mission is to Ensure every needy child is reached and has access to their basic needs, including but not limited to education, health, shelter, security, food and clothing.

How can I get involved with Nana-Bee's Foundation?

You can get involved by volunteering, donating, or joining our community events. For more details, visit our Donate page or reach out to us.

Can I make a donation online?

Yes, donations can be made easily through our website. Simply visit our Donate page to get started.

Where does Nana-Bee's Foundation operate?

Nana-Bee's Foundation operates primarily in Ghana,Twifo Hemang. focusing on helping Orphanages in various communities. However, we welcome global partnerships and support.

How can I contact Nana-Bee's Foundation?

You can contact us via email at or call us at +233246447849. You can also visit our Contact Us page for more information.

What is Nana-Bee's Foundation vision?

Our Vision is to identified all needy children without basic needs have access to proper security, healthcare, and quality education.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes, donations to Nana-Bee's Foundation are tax-deductible. Please consult with your local tax advisor for further details on how to claim this benefit.

Can I volunteer for Nana-Bee's Foundation?

Yes! We welcome volunteers to help us with various tasks such as event coordination, outreach programs, and more. If you’re interested, please visit our Contact Us page for volunteer opportunities.

What types of support does Nana-Bee's Foundation provide?

Nana-Bee's Foundation offers counseling, career guidance, educational programs,Food, shelter and advocacy services to empower Orphanages. We also provide vocational training and assistance in securing employment.

How can I stay updated on Nana-Bee's Foundation’s activities?

You can stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter on the website, following us on social media, or regularly checking our Blog for updates and news.

Can I partner with Nana-Bee's Foundation?

Yes! We welcome partnerships with other organizations, businesses, and individuals. Please reach out to us via the Contact Us page to discuss potential collaborations.

Is Nana-Bee's Foundation Registered?

Yes! Nana-Bee's Foundation is registered uder Non-Organization view Certificate/lincese here page to see the Registered Certificate.


Person 3
"Their dedication and passion are evident in everything they do."

- John Boah

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